Sewing during the Intermission

I completed Clue 4 of Allietare, and then took a break for Christmas.  I am ready to get back to my normal routine!  I have a Christmas Cookie hangover, and need to return to eating healthy foods.  I feel groggy, bloated, tired, and my joints ache from all the sweets.

It's hard to focus on sewing, so I did a little hand quilting, and took a look at my crumb bin, which had been filling up with Allietare scraps, so I pieced a bunch of crumb blocks in various sizes. 4.5", 4" (the easiest to trim with my long 4" ruler, I find) and 3.5"

I may make some of these into pillows and place mats.

And here is what my wastebasket looks like. I am thinking this is too pretty to throw away--AM I CRAZY?

Last year, the quilt I finished around new years was very crumb-y and I called it "Stress Fracture-Vertigo"  in honor of my two biggest health problems last year. Both happened while I was commuting almost weekly between my home in NY and Dallas.  Right now the vertigo has resurfaced in a minor way, I just feel a little off balance, especially if I move my head in certain ways.   I also had a stress fracture in my foot while I was away. I had to google  how to tape it up so I could fly home and get it looked it.  I am so glad that part of my life (being a road warrior) is OVER.

Tomorrow is on to Clue 5!
