Also, I seem to be getting out of kilter because the sun is rising earlier. Let me explain. Normally, I get up, feed the quiltoriumkitties, pray, have breakfast and by then my husband is ready for our morning walk. I've been waking up around 4 and not quite feeling like GETTING up, so by the time I am back to sleep and ready to pop my eyes open again, it's 6:30 or later. I do better if I get up at 5:30. Maybe I will be back in my zone when we put the clocks ahead, because then my 4 am wakeup will be 5 am and that will feel like I'm entitled to get up and get going.
Does this make sense?
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Thanks for your comment! I only respond from my computer, and since I retired, I don't spend as much time at my desk, but I will get back to you!