
We dodged a bullet with winter storm Stella. However, due to the timing, we couldn't dig out til yesterday, and by that time we had solidified slush with a dusting of powder. So much scraping and chopping that my fine motor control in my hands is not yet back to normal. And we still have the walkways to clear today. Temp is up above freezing today, so we are hopeful.....

Meantime, I have stitched my wreath to its foundation and pin basted the berry bushel project.

and just because I couldn't wait to start another one, I sewed the center of my next La Pass* rosette.
I will use the bright pink for the next round. Still need to tighten up my fussy cutting, although I think I did better with this one. I will have to put black somewhere in the outer reaches of this block...but I dread it, will have to use templates.

Lunch and then back out to help with the shovelling.
