A star is born

Well i found a project i can get my teeth into this month.  I made a bunch of yellow string blocks at the start of the rainbow scrap challenge in january.  I started making blue strings this week and am working on this:

I did not join the quadrants yet because i want to bring on a bit more color variety like some deep deep purples. Of course this is Bonnie Hunter's hunter's string star. Here is where you can get the pattern. But i will call it Hunter's starry night.  It was tricky to get everything pointing in the right direction and some frogging was involved.

So remember how i cleaned up before i started in on this?

Its a blue and yellow scrapsplosion on day 1 of this project.

I spent the morning cutting and sewing and by lunchtime i had some chevrons, hsts and bonus triangles sewn and ready to press.

After lunch i pressed them all and trimmed just enough to get four quadrants made. I still have a lot of trimming to do from the morning's sewing. But i sometimes attack trimming backlog in short bursts. 

Linking up to RSC2019 and heading over to see what the rest of the gang has been up to this week.


  1. Oh, such pretty stars! Something about making string blocks that always leads to a "scrapsplosion". Great word to describe it.

  2. Ooo, pretty! I love blue and yellow together. Perfect for stars shining through the darkness :)

    1. Thete will be pops of other colors in there as well....i think of galaxies and nebulae in my old astronomy book....

  3. Scrapsplosion, for sure!! Do I spy Wild and Goosey hiding in the debris field???

    1. Yes indeed. I banged out two more little sections the other day when i opened a bin of random sized triangle scraps.

  4. Nothing makes me happier than playing in a scrapsplosion!


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