Finally in the Pink

It's almost halfway through July and I finally turned the corner and got started on this month's Rainbow Scrap Challenge Color - Pink.

I made my two monthly Tumalo Trail blocks.

It took me a while to gather up enough pink scrappies to work on my butterfly block, which will be be pretty in pink.

So what else did I do, you might ask.

Well I am really excited about the Hunter's String Star I started a while back. So I made a lot of sub-units. My progress is now limited by a lack of yellow string blocks and the Blue/Yellow HSTs.

And I really wanted to finish a blue scrap bin. This one went lickety split because I used my serger and bias bound the top.  I've sorta been winging the handles on these so they are not the same on each bin, but finished is better than perfect when it's something I am not giving away.

I may be the only one who finds it hard to get much done in the summer, even with the AC on. I try to sew as much as I can on several projects before I turn on an iron to press anything. It seems wasteful to run the iron as much as I do in the winter while I have the AC on.

In other news, we continue to enjoy fawn sightings and does traipsing through our yard. But they sneak up our hill at night and have devoured most of my front garden. I had hoped that they would allow one hydrangea to bloom, but I awoke one morning this week to find th last of the flower buds gone along with some green leaves. I can't be angry when I look into their big brown eyes though.

With heat and humidity at the max, morning walks are not pleasant. Trodding along while my glasses fog up and my water bottle condensate drips on my shoes, well, ICK. It's only the promise of wild raspberries that gets me out a few mornings a week in July.

In another four weeks, I think the leaves will start turning, especially if we don't get much rain.  Autumn is when my energy returns.

Til then, I have so many indoor hobbies to choose from! Quilting, knitting, crochet, painting, piano.


  1. No a/c here. I'm thinking if I did have it I'd never go out and weed so maybe no a/c is a good thing. We do have lots of deer though devouring all my hard work along with the raccoons.

    Hope your energy returns!

    1. I have a soft spot for the deer but its the deer ticks and lyme disease i could do without. And the gardening gives us sone exercise and sunshine so we push on.

  2. I love those Tumalo Trail blocks! They are pretty in every color! My sewing room is in the basement, so it's a nice escape in the hot weather. Your hydrangeas must be very tasty for those deer who visit!

    1. Thanks! I think tumslo will come together nicely.

  3. Tumalo Trail blocks AND a fabric bin? AWESOME!!! (I got started on my dark BLUE bin, but decided to wait for LIGHT blue month to complete it.)


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