Hot Beverages

The weather here has taken a hard turn towards winter. We had slushy wet snow intermingled in this week's biggest rain. I went for a walk this morning and even though it was just above freezing, the wind made it bitter cold, and reminded me I need to get some base layer to wear under my jeans.

So I spent the rest of the morning trying to knock a few more items off the list of sewing stuff I want to get done before Black Friday....which in my world should be  renamed First Day of a New Quiltville Mystery day.

So today I searched for my collection of coffee related fabrics and made a little cozy for my french press.

I took a few measurements and proceeded without pattern or complete sense of how I would make it work.

The inner layer   is this stuff:

I channel quilted the brown fabric to it last night. This morning I just made a lot of 0.5" long darts along the top edge to curve it a bit. It wasn't enough to get me to the middle of the top so I added a casing and pulled some elastic through it.

LIVE AND LEARN LESSON #1:  Measure from the center  of the top down to the feet before cutting anything. I had just measured the height (duh!)

Even with the casing, it was short so I added a ruffle.  but I had forgotten to edge finish the quilted piece first. A little zigzagging, folding and topstitching has things fairly tidy inside, but I am not going to take any photos of that.

LIVE AND LEARN LESSON #2: Plan out ALL the steps first and use your sergger....It could have made it a lot easier.

Since it wasn't yet time for Clyde's lunch (which must be on schedule or he becomes quite a pest) I also made a wrapper for my travel mug.  am fine drinking cold coffee during the warmer seasons,  but it's not a warm season now, and I can now sip on the same hot coffee for hours instead of guzzling  weveral fresh cups and becoming too hyper.

This one wasn't even channel quilted. Same inner lining stitched right sides together with an opening, then topstitched. Oh, I tapered it a bit from the bottom to the top because this theral cup is tapered. Two strips of velcro and this project was done.

So here is how my list looks. I got a lot more done last week (pink) than this week (yellow). I don't know if I will get that tote bag item done, but  the other remaining tasks are small and  I may even knock a few of them off today.

So I am not finishing any quilts from RSC2019, but I am accomplishing quite a few things that were just laying around as physical clutter or as ideas in my head for far too long.

Whatever your goals were, or if you had no goals at all, I hope your week was a productive and fun one!


  1. You marked a few things off your list this week. I'm sure that feels SEW good!!

    1. It surely does! I knocked off two more after i posted!

  2. I like your coffee cozies! Smart to keep one cup warm instead of drinking too many.

  3. Thanks Louise! This is a project that rolled around in my head for years. Good to have it crossed off and done!


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